I have deserted my blog for some time due to the busy schedule at work. Work!!!!!!! A very dreaded word for me. Well, i know everyone at some point in life hates their work. Bit i can assure you none is like mine. To start it off i work for a bunch of donkeys. They are bloody slow in doing things not to mention that their heart is not at work. There is no fairness in the system and you are just taken for granted of things that at first are not suppose to be under you at the first place. You try to help out in the beginning but at the end you are the one doing all the things. Even the head of the committee doesn't even care on the progress of things just an occasional enquiry of everything ok? i leave it to you?
Here I am adding another resolution to my this year's list and that would be: ignore all the donkeys and other irrelevant task. I will just focus on my students. I will say 'No' to everything and just ignore them. To **** with them. They can just go rot in ****.