I've once read a motivational book on how one can achieve a happy life is by looking at all of these unwanted events as challenges in life which god gives you in order for you to grow and be more matured and wise. Recently at lot of projects were being dumped onto me and... well.... the nice saying would be: I'm so capable that the boss entrust me with all these projects or on the other hand a mere implication that I'm the most hardworking donkey/cow who has no social life after work in the office that makes me the most appropriate candidate to dump those projects at. (Yup... i know that my description is long but that fits the bill perfectly so bear with it. ^-^ )
As i was grousing about all these and pondering if I'm the only one who is doing work in the unit worrying that in the long run I'll probably go insane or have severe depression, why not just twist my perspective a little, look at it positively and my day will become brighter. A thought then just hit me that all these tasks entrusted upon me may be god's wishes to educate me and shape me into a better person.
Hm..... now let me analyze myself.
1) I'm not that pessimistic about things anymore; at least now I'm taking things in a more positive way.
2) I'm slowly learning to lie back and relax instead of rushing to get things done way ahead of the time limit given in which does not coincide with the pace of my other colleagues. Besides, you'll get more work entrusted upon you and it'll be a never ending cycle.
3) I'm so used to being subordinate that now it gives me a chance to order people around instead, as I'm the coordinator of the project. I get to determine who does what and goes where? He He He (although I'm still being supervised by the King and Empress Dowager ^~^ but it's already an improvement)
All in all, there's nothing bad to it. we'll eventually get through it

Now, I'll just continue doing the jobs or task given to me and completing them in time while focusing on how to further my Masters and start working on that, cause the latter would be my ultimate goal by the end of next year.
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