
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

They say by the time you're in your 30s, you should have acheived something in your life. Or the least is to get married and settle down for a family life. No more of those wild days in which you hop on a stranger's Harley and go for a ride. Every move that you take at this stage is of cautious and rational decision making. But what if you're still at a crossroad at the age of 30? Not knowing which way to go, no acheivements in your life ( will have........ ) Then i welcome you into 30s Mid Life Crisis.

As you age, some things tend to dawn on to you that you're not ready to accept. For instances, when you're being reffered to as an aunty rather than miss; your friends are all settling down and starting a family while you still roam the earth on your own carefreely when you know you should be settling down otherwise you'll be categorised in the high risk pregnancy group or even worse.... being labelled as old maid; supposedly has owned at least a car and a house but having none of those and am still trying to clear off your accumulated credit card bills. Haiz........ What a crisis.......

Then you will start to question yourself, doubt yourself, and eventually fear sets in. You try to keep your age a secret, ban any events or occasion that has any slightest implication of your age, apply layers and layers of moisturiser just to keep youself looking youthful. You won't even dare to think about life after 30 as you already can hardly cope with going 30.

Well you might think: single life is better as there are no commitments (lies), you have no achivements in life cause you took a longer path in which you ended up working only at the age of 24 (excuse), you can't afford a house because housing prices nowadays are insane (true..... but still an excuse) and you end up with nothing. nothing. a big No-thing.

If this is the scenario you're in then maybe you should sit down, take out a piece of paper and a pen, start jotting down plans for your future. Start with simpler goals that are able to be achieved within a short period of time and by acheiving them it leads you to acheive other bigger goals.

All being said, it's normal to have a mid life crisis. but the important things is how you get over it.


aNNdiNN said...

Dear Ash,

"You Are Not Alone"
