Movie Mania

Monday, May 23, 2011

A really hectic week. Loads to be done but did not forget to have fun too. Me and my collegue went for movies consecutive weeks. We watched little red riding hood, which was quite a lame adaptation of the fairytale but loved the red cape worn by the main actress, and of course priest (joined by another 2 friends) that was way much better. At first we were reluctant to watch priest, afraid that it would be a let down by just mere gruesome killing or lavish side effects as a show off purpose (comparing it with Tron), but under the persistent persuasion of a persistent fan of Maggie Q (a male friend), we went. Thankfully it came out alright if not we would have murdered him for dragging us all the way there. ^-^

Our next conquest at the cinema would be to watch insidious. A really scary movie (or so as they previewed it).