Wednesday, February 18, 2009

On this this hot and humid night, i wasn't able to drift off to dreamland as usual. Something kept bugging me at the back of my mind. As i toss and turn on my bed, I asked myself what have i acheived. 'NOTHING' comes to mind. Nothing......... my mind was blank.

I once had a dream, and to tell you the truth i was better off than all of my friends during my schooling days. Well not filthy rich but above average. However, up till this point of my life i'm staying where i am, not going anywhere, while all my other friends have pursue far ahead of me! I feel like i'm neither here nor there. I couldn't pursue my dreams, i've been burden by responsibilities that i've never thought off....etc. (a lot more that i can't really take it off my chest) The more i'm updated with what's happening around me the more i feel insignificant, a very tiny insignificant fool. i can picture myself sitting in front of a window watching as the days past by...... from dawn till dusk......then from dusk back to dawn.............days, weeks, months, years and decades past by........... what will become of me?