A tribute to my handbag, purse and mobile phone.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dear handbag, purse & mobile phone,
I would like to thank all of you for the years of services that you've provided me.

small and petite, rugged and chic.

can go with any style i wish,

everywhere I go she goes too,

and takes whatever junk I dumped in.

colourful, cheerful and an organizer freak,

keeps my cards in its respectful slits,

without having me to go through the cards,

to find the one that i really need,

now with you aren't my life a bliss.

Mobile phone:
Stylish and elegant, proud to bring you anywhere.

Entertains my boredoom with songs and games,

my life was never dull again.

Although our time together was brief,

only just for the mere 2 weeks,

in my heart you'll always stay.

They ended their service on 22 February 2009.
P.S. my handbag was snatched by snatch theif.